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The Voluntary Intermodal Sealift Agreement, or VISA, is a program that aims to enhance national security and improve the capacity for sealift operations during times of war or other national emergencies. The program is a partnership between the Department of Defense (DoD) and the U.S. maritime industry.
VISA was created in 1999 as a response to the nation`s need for added intermodal capacity, which is the ability to move goods and equipment between different modes of transportation, such as rail and sea. The program is voluntary and allows the DoD to contract with participating companies to provide intermodal shipping services in times of national emergency.
VISA provides benefits to both the participating companies and the DoD. Companies that join the program receive the potential for increased business from the government during times of crisis. Companies also receive benefits such as assistance with training and certification, as well as access to DoD readiness exercises.
The DoD benefits from VISA by having increased access to commercial shipping capacity during emergencies. The program enables the DoD to quickly and effectively transport troops, weapons, and supplies to locations around the world. The program also promotes intermodal capacity-building and helps to maintain a viable U.S. merchant marine industry.
To participate in VISA, companies must meet certain criteria, including maintaining U.S. citizenship, owning or operating intermodal equipment, and having the ability to move goods to and from locations in the U.S. Companies must also be able to meet certain readiness requirements established by the DoD.
In conclusion, VISA is a valuable program that enhances national security by improving the capacity for intermodal transportation during times of crisis. The program is a testament to the partnership between the DoD and the U.S. maritime industry, and it ensures that the U.S. is prepared to respond quickly and effectively to any national emergency.